Keeping Discus Fish With Tetra


New Member

Jul 22, 2007
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  • #1

Ok, so I just put in some ner neon tetras in my tank, and my 3 bbaby discus pecked all at that place optics out. Why? Can I prevent it?

  • #2

Discus and neon tetras are not compatible in most cases... How do yous forbid it? Exercise some research.

  • #iii

A lot of ppl keep Discus with Tetras- Cardinals and Rummy nose by and large, with no problems. I'm surprised baby Discus would attack your Neons-and that the neons would let them do information technology. Neons are a scrap small to be kept with Discus.

Its amend to add together the Discus to the tank already containing (fully grown) tetras, this will give the tetras a much amend chance. Practise it the other way circular and the Discus may only think-thats prissy looking food.

  • #4

A lot of ppl keep Discus with Tetras- Cardinals and Rummy nose mostly, with no bug. I'm surprised baby Discus would attack your Neons-and that the neons would permit them do it. Neons are a bit small to be kept with Discus.

Its amend to add the Discus to the tank already containing (fully grown) tetras, this will give the tetras a much better risk. Do information technology the other way round and the Discus may just remember-thats overnice looking food.

I have heard more cases of Discus eating Neons, and so them living together. Maybe it's just me :dunno:

Discus and Angelfish swallow them in the wild though.


Fish Addict

Aug xiii, 2004
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  • #5

I keep Black Neons with my discus, I think the largest could probably swallow one if it wanted to but I've not lost whatever every bit however. I have heard of adult discus eating neons, not sure I have heard of juveniles doing it.

How big are the discus? Mayhap your not feeding them plenty if they are very immature?



Fish Fanatic

Aug two, 2007
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  • #6

iv bumblebee gobys with mine (there not every bit active as neons) and minor enough to become eaten without a glimmer merely the discus dont and have never bothered to attempt maybe kev,s right and they not getting plenty nutrient then looking else where for it which is your neons

  • #7

How often practice you feed them? And, what do y'all feed them?

  • #8

I think I recall reading an article by Jack Watley that cardinal tetras make some of the best tankmates for a customs discus tank (though he believes discus should not be part of a community tank). Didnt mention neons.


  • #9

I think I recall reading an article past Jack Watley that fundamental tetras make some of the best tankmates for a community discus tank (though he believes discus should not exist part of a community tank). Didnt mention neons.


Yeah, Cardinals tend to get bigger though.

  • #ten

I assume thats why it would work, that and they come from the same area(h2o requirements the same) and probably serve close to the aforementioned purpose of dither fish. :good:


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